iVY Lectures at Cátedra Jorge Montes 2022, UNIS

Junko Yamamoto and Roberto Viola Ochoa lectured at the Cátedra Jorge Montes organized by the Universidad del Istmo in Guatemala.

The subject this year was ‘Mutations’ as a prompt to think about how architecture has to respond to the volatile conditions of today.

A number of offices from all around the world participated both in person and online. All the offices offered different design methodologies and views of architecture's role and will play in the future.

iVY approached the lecture as an intimate look into the challenges and successes the studio has had in its relatively short life; and how it is navigating in a context more and more dominated by legacy firms which often prevent a view from a different perspective in the way in which we deal with the built environment.

In addition to the lecture, iVY conducted a two-day design charrette titled ‘A is for apple’, in which the students were challenged to think about the simpler, often forgotten, ideas about space. The students reconnected with basic concepts such as spatial definition, hierarchy, scale, sequence, materiality, light, and shadow.