Lecture by Junko Yamamoto at BJRF | MIT

Junko Yamamoto was invited to gave a lecture at the Boston Japanese Researchers Forum at MIT. Through her projects, she shared her thoughts and ideas on Art and Architecture. The lecture, titled “Something Extra,” relates to the idea that seemingly unnecessary aspects of the design (not necessarily functional nor useful) may generate new value. Great opportunity to be able to share some thoughts and ideas from the perspective of an architect, with people from a variety of (mostly-non-architecture) fields.

“The discourse around the topic of community engagement in the field of architecture indeed reveals the fact that defining what the discipline of architecture is in a single term is almost impossible. Our built environment is a product of many hands and diverse ideas, which inevitably affect matters surrounding its context. Architects are no longer singularly architects, nor should merely be coordinators of all the stakeholders. In such ever-more communal practice in the field of design, where and how do designers intervene as designers?

Something Extra — As politicians attempt to make a better society by altering rules and regulations, architects perform in hopes of enriching our lives by altering and transforming our physical world. The notion of Something Extra operates against the current in the era of instantaneous communications, high-speed productions, and streamlined efficiency that seem to appear blindly worshiped. Something Extra may imply additional time and process while it may also connote something unnecessary, which in this case proposed in a positive sense. Why do designers want to play a part in community development? Where does this Something Extra find its value in such undertakings? With examples of community-based design projects, the presentation facilitates the discussion that addresses these questions.”
(written by Junko Yamamoto)

(山本純子 記) ボストン日本人研究者交流会にて、講演をさせていただきました。今回は建築業界外の人たちへの講演ということで、いろいろ考えましたが、「余計なもの」をテーマにお話しさせていただきました。これは昨今の技術革新がもたらすデザインの効率化や生産性が重視される中で、余計なものと”思われがちな”ものや行動に対する問いかけでもあります。時にそれは感覚的なものであったり言語化するのが難しい領域であったりもするのですが、私が思う、必要ではないけれど、それがあることで新たな価値が生まれる、という考えを少しでも共有できたらとても嬉しく思います。